Not all machinery movers are the same. Many companies cannot provide turn-key services like Lee Contracting. Hiring professional riggers will provide high-quality results. Hiring local riggers will help cut your costs and your downtime.
Benefits of Hiring a Local Company
Hiring a Michigan based rigging company provides many benefits to your company and your project. As a local machinery mover, we will meet with you on site to walk a job, better understand the layout, understand job site conditions and avoid obstacles ahead of time. Our safety team is always ready to review job site conditions and ensure that safety is the top priority. We comply with all OSHA and MIOSHA standards. This unified approach helps our rigging team provide the best and most efficient scope of work to complete the project.
Our turn-key solutions cut down time and cost. As a local company, our travel and equipment costs are minimized. Another benefit to hiring a local machinery mover is our 24/7, 365 availability. Our availability paired with our world-class customer service makes Lee Contracting your contractor of choice.
In-House Experience
- Stamping Presses
- IMM and BMM
- Weld Cells
- Robotic Cells
- Assembly Lines
- Machining Equipment
- Structural Steel
- Layout and aligning
- Equipment rebuilds
- HVAC Systems
- Overhead Crane Installation
Lee Contracting’s rigging department is made of the best riggers in the industry. With almost 30 years of experience, we like to be tested beyond our limits. We work to ensure that every project is safe and efficient. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year and complete every project with state-of-the-art equipment.
Call us today at (888) 833-8776 or receive a free quote online for your next rigging project.