A few words to employees from our CEO.
It is hard to believe that this year has flown by so quickly. Soon the leaves will fall and most of us will go shopping at the last minute for Christmas. Then, 2016 will be over and we will usher in a new year… 2017!
Time can really get away from you. Things change quickly. It can be hard to keep up in your personal life as well as your work life. Lists help, but can be hard to keep current. Life should not become a list. It is helpful to have passion for what you do and not just view things as chores. While the last minute Christmas shopping can be stressful, we can think about the joy of giving and receiving gifts and the break the Season affords us. We can find some energy and strength in the midst of the madness. I heard before that things of value take effort.
You are doing things of value. Often the details blend together and we lose ourselves in the passing of time. This can cause us to feel disconnected or underappreciated. As the rest of this year passes, let’s take some time to thank the people helping us along our journey and appropriately celebrate the small wins that become major victories. In your personal or professional life, taking a moment will help give us the strength and confidence to keep moving forward with purpose and not just be bumped forward by the circumstances of life.
Thank you for keeping us moving!
Ken LaBruyere, CEO